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Admissions Criteria:

North Idaho Christian School is a religious institution that provides an education in a distinctly Christian environment. The school reserves the right for purposes of admission to access the academic, emotional, and physical aptitude of each applicant, basing its findings on previous academic records, character references, a personal interview, and the results of an administered standardized test of general ability.

In person on campus classes. Students in secondary (grades 7-12) have 7 classes a day, Monday through Thursday.

Rolling Admissions, apply any time. Two ways to check NICS out.

1. Schedule a campus tour. Parents/students should definitely schedule a tour of the campus. The Admissions Director leads this tour and allows you to ask questions while experiencing NICS first hand. The Admissions Director will provide pertinent school information and discuss the opportunities that await the future student.

2. Schedule a school day visit. Your child will shadow another student either half day or a full day depending on your preference. Consider scheduling your visit on Thursday to have the opportunity to be a part of Chapel. Also, prospective students have the opportunity to attend each class before enrolling at NICS. Your child can talk with students, sit in on classes, meet the teachers, and eat lunch with the student body. Your child will have a one on one experience with a current student.

Call 208.772.7546 to schedule either one or both options.

North Idaho Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions, or its hiring policies. The school reserves the right for purposes of admission to assess the academic, emotional and physical aptitude of each student applicant, basing its findings on previous academic records, character references, a personal interview, and the result of an administered standardized test of general ability.

In person on campus classes. Elementary is Kindergarten-6th and students have a homeroom teacher. Outside of the classroom they participate in PE, music, go to the library, and head to the computer lab each week.

Rolling Admissions, apply any time.

Two ways to check NICS out.

1. Schedule a campus tour. Parents/students should definitely schedule a tour of the campus. The Admissions Director leads this tour and allows you to ask questions while experiencing NICS first hand. The Admissions Director will provide pertinent school information and discuss the opportunities that await the future student.

2. Schedule a school day visit. Your child can spend some time observing the classroom before committing to enrollment. Consider scheduling your visit on Thursday for the chance to observe Chapel as well as the classroom setting. Your child will have the chance to meet the students, check out the class, meet the teacher, and experience recess.

Call 208.758.1146 to schedule either one or both options.

North Idaho Christian School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, admissions, or its hiring policies. The school reserves the right for purposes of admission to assess the academic, emotional and physical aptitude of each student applicant, basing its findings on previous academic records, character references, a personal interview, and the result of an administered standardized test of general ability.

NICS is now online! We are using the web-based platform called

Ignitia which is produced by Alpha Omega Publications. All

curriculum is biblically based, and Christ centered.

Why choose NICS online over other online schools? NICS Online

leaders are doing everything possible to make sure that

students have the same positive, memorable experiences as

students in traditional, brick-and-mortar schools. Students

enrolled at NICS Online will be able to be a part of any of the

extra-curricular activities and chapel offered to on campus

students. Becoming a part of the #communityinChrist is our

hope and desire for all who attend NICS Online. While students

can complete their coursework online, the school also has

opportunities for face to face meetings with teachers and parent

teacher conferences.

There will be an additional fees for participating in events such

as retreats, sports as applicable. Students participating in NICS

Online can go on field trips, walk at graduation, and participate

in missions and fundraising opportunities. Additionally, NICS

Online is innovative and will prepare students for college courses

where often students submit all work through a web-based


For more information email:

or call (208) 772-7546

Variable Tuition

Variable Tuition can make Christian education financially possible

 At North Idaho Christian school, we strongly believe that our Biblical role in Christian education is to be in partnership with the home to model Christ-like lifestyles.  We are sincerely committed to serving the Lord, and to the connection that we share with each family regarding your child’s needs.

Christian education enriches the lives of students both spiritually and academically.   We know that Christian education is an investment that may seem financially out of reach for some families. At North Idaho Christian School we believe this quality educational experience should be available to as many families as possible. To ease the financial burden for qualifying families, North Idaho Christian is pleased to offer variable tuition, a needs-based tuition assistance program. Qualifying families may receive a tuition discount of up to 50%.  Families apply through FACTS, a confidential online vendor that helps determine the financial need of families. Our goal is simple: to open the doors of North Idaho Christian School to families who may think Christian education is beyond their budget.

To find out if your family qualifies for variable tuition simply apply for Financial Grant and Aid Assessment through FACTS. Click Apply to be redirected.

Apply for Financial Aid **2024-2025 Financial Aid is NO LONGER AVAILABLE

2025-2026 Tuition
9 Month Plan
10 Month Plan
Annual Plan
Grades K-6
First Child
Each Additional Child
Sept - May
Aug - May
July - June
Grades 7-8
First Child
Each Additional Child
Grades 9-12
First Child
Each Additional Child

Latest News

October 2024
November 2024
September 2024
Want to read more? View Full All School News →


Spring Break
Canned Food Drive
Triple Play Night
Iowa Assessments - Elementary

About us

To challenge and inspire individuals to impact the world by growing in Christ-like character through academic excellence rooted in Biblical truth.

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