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According to Physiology Today Online: “ Introversion is a basic personality style characterized by a preference for the inner life of the mind over the outer world of other people.” I am an introvert through and through. Whenever there is one of those cheesy quizzes to see if you are an introvert or extrovert, I always score firmly in the introvert category. When I read articles about introverts I find myself nodding in agreement. It all makes so much sense to me. I don’t like parties because I always feel out of place. Too much social interaction leaves me feeling drained. It took me years to get over feeling guilty for attempting to avoid social situations until I finally came to the realization that God created me as an introvert and it was ok. That doesn’t mean I should become a hermit to avoid societal obligations, but I don’t have to feel guilty for thinking that it sounds appealing.

Enter COVID-19 and quarantine. For me, quarantine was a dream come true. I could spend days at home without having to leave the house except to take long, quiet walks with our dogs. My husband works at a grocery store so he did the shopping. Amazon and Zoom were my friends. And it was all socially acceptable. It was amazing! Unlike many others, I did not suffer depression during the shut-down; I thrived.

However, the months wore on and something happened. As an elementary principal working from home, I found it harder and harder to keep motivated. In spite of the massive number of texts and phone calls and Zoom meetings, I felt disconnected. I felt useless. I asked God to reveal what was going on in my head, and as always He was faithful. I was driving, praying about my attitude when all of a sudden I realized that my job had turned in to merely paper pushing, or more accurately, returning emails and typing Google Docs. I had become an office worker working from home, and that is not what God has called me to do. There was a huge something missing in my work life: the kids.

It almost seems like an oxymoron for an introvert, but I love being with kids. They are unique creations full of life and energy. They are sparks that kindle joy and compassion. With them, precious relationships are formed. I learn from them, and hopefully, they can learn something from me. God put the desire in my heart to be a teacher when I was in second grade and I have never regretted following His call. Do I come home at night exhausted from all the social interaction? Yes, but it is so worth it.

So, this introvert can hardly wait to see the kids in September. No, it won’t look like it did last September, but I don’t care. I will wear a mask, sanitize like crazy, or do whatever it takes to make school happen. North Idaho Christian School has a mission and purpose that can only be fulfilled by relationships with students. Those relationships grow best when we are face-to-face, even if that involves a mask. Distance learning served its purpose, but I for one am ready to move on.

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